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About Us | Just Loops

Who is Justloops?

We are members of both the Professional Lighting And Sound Association (PLASA) and the Institute of Sound and Communications Engineers (ISCE) therefore ensuring the highest standards of advice and system solutions. However, over the years the range of equipment offered has increased to cater for the customer’s requirements; they have become main distributors for a number of manufacturers carrying stock of both new equipment, and most importantly spare parts to allow for a quick and efficient repair service. Also, thanks to their successful trading and professional service they can now provide equipment from many manufacturers, which means you can be assured that they will fulfil your communications needs. So if you have a specific communication requirement from a particular manufacturer they can probably help. Portable Induction Loop Systems are a great way to provide a service to your hard of hearing customers. Based in the North East of England we’re perfectly situated to provide Induction Loop Systems to the entire North of England and Scotland. We can provide free Induction Loop advice over the phone, and we can cover the entire UK if the project is large enough. We can offer advice on a full range of Assisted Hearing Systems including; Fixed Induction Loops, Portable Induction Loops, Counter Induction Loops, Speech Transfer through Glass Intercom with Induction Loop and a host of Infrared Assisted Hearing Systems along with the latest Radio Hearing Systems.

This company is:


Blaydon on Tyne, United Kingdom

1-10 Employees


Products & services of Justloops

Product Contacta V15A+ Advanced Hearing Loop Driver | Just Loops image


Contacta V15A+ Advanced Hearing Loop Driver | Just Loops

The New and Improved Contacta V15A+ is a superb Advanced Hearing Loop Driver, standing at the forefront of Hearing Loop Driver technology.

Product Contacta STS-B94-LH-G Half Bridge Bar Unit | Just Loops image


Contacta STS-B94-LH-G Half Bridge Bar Unit | Just Loops

Contacta STS-B94-LH-G Half Bridge Bar Unit

Product Contacta Phased Array Link Cable (CABLE-RJ45-0.5M) | Just Loops image


Contacta Phased Array Link Cable (CABLE-RJ45-0.5M) | Just Loops

Contacta Phased Array Link Cable (CABLE-RJ45-0.5M)

View all products




Contact of Justloops

City: Blaydon on Tyne

State: England

Country: United Kingdom

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Justloops

The company Justloops is located in Blaydon on Tyne, England, United Kingdom. It's worth noting that the company may has more corporate locations

As of the latest available information Justloops has around 1-10 employees worldwide.

The company Justloops has it's main focus in the industries of Other